4/24/22 Carried by the Breeze

 Carried by the Breeze

She stood in the breeze, arms stretched out wide. “Take me away,” she said, and the wind complied with her request. It picked her up off the earth and carried her through the sky and clouds. 

Although a wondrous view passed by below her, she just closed her eyes and floated with the wind. The sight could be replicated but this feeling would never be again. She did nothing but float, feeling the breeze run through her hair, trying to capture it in her hands.

Hours went by and she enjoyed every moment, but the chill of the sky began to wear into her, she was ready to go down. The wind however had different plans, it was not ready to let her go.

Her assumption of being a friend to the wind changed as she realized she was prisoner to it. Struggling against air, she tried to point herself downwards and break free. Her thoughts were not on the fall, only of wanting to be free. 

After fighting and struggling as hard as she could, the air became impossible to fight. Her chilled muscles no longer wanted to move. All she wanted to do was rest in a nice warm bed. Her eyes became droopy as the cold filled her body.

She shivered and held herself tight, trying to stay warm, fearing that if she fell asleep, she would never wake again. In time she lost her battle, her heavy eyes shut and sleep overtook her.

The wind continued to carry her unconscious body through the skies. Birds stared at the strange sight, occasionally flying up close to examine her. Finding no interest in the girl, they would fly off without a second thought. 

Awaking from her sleep, she was still dangerously cold. Her lips and fingertips began to match the sky, only a darker shade of blue. Tears began to leave her eyes as she fully realized her fate.

A quiet, “Why?” was all that managed to escape her lips. A question that would never be answered. People say they hear voices in the wind, but the breeze that carried her was silent. She wished for a response, a way to plead with the breeze, but there was no way, all she could do was wait.

Sleep overtook her once more as the sun faded away. This time she would not wake up. Her heartbeat was too slow, and her body not able to function. Still floating gently on the breeze, she froze in the wind. 

As her heart stopped and the life left her, the wind was content and ready to let her go. Above a large body of shimmering water, the woman's body fell and sank. The murderous breeze carried on, to search for the next person wishing to be carried away. 

The End



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