1/22/22 Aaverfier (Part 1)

                                                                           Aaverfier (Part 1)

Aaverfier, a terrible place, where only those with the darkest of souls reside. To get residency in Aaverfier a person has to consciously try to be a bad person. No one can just “end up” in Aaverfier, it is a choice they have to make.

    Aaverfier was created as a way to let criminals be criminals with other criminals. Let them find their own way to coexist in a secluded area away from the good people of the world. Not all bad people go to Aaverfier but the appeal is strong in most, and so the population is ever growing.

    Once in Aaverfier it is a contest...of who can be the worst person. Aaverfier truly defines survival of the fittest. In a land where everyone is trying to be the worst person they can be, if someone can’t hold their own they disappear, very quickly.

    In a chaotic place, dominance defines who is in charge. Respect is hard to earn but well worth it in Aaverfier. People of the land must earn their respect on their own. Getting the help of another shows weakness, an inability to be strong alone. Aaverfier is not a place to find friends, it is a place to make enemies.

    Currently a man named Rifter holds control of Aaverfier; a strong and scary man, with the attitude and self confidence to bend people to his will. He worked his way up to the top on his own and now controls a small army of Aaverfier’s residents. It is hard becoming one of Rifter’s minions. He does not bring just anyone into his inner circle, he finds those strong enough and mean enough to be able to protect him, but not quite strong enough or smart enough to be able to overthrow him.

    Aaverfier goes through rulers like it’s nothing, to hold power for more than a few weeks is rare. Rifter however has been in power for nearly three months. Anyone who has been in Averfier long has the good sense to leave him alone. Many horrible men and women have come barging into Aaverfier ready to take it over. They quickly learn Rifter’s strength; and not just strength but his superior knowledge and use of charisma.

    With Rifter in charge for so long things have begun to change in Aaverfier. He has come to realize the power he holds and has started to try and bring down Aaverfier from the inside; hoarding its food, polluting its water, enough that he and his small group can survive while everyone else starves and rots away. Slowly but surely, Rifter intends to make Aaverfier his personal paradise, where no one is strong enough to stop him.

To be continued


(Author's Note: When I write these short stories I do not plan ahead at all, I just sit down and write whatever comes to me. I had no intention of this turning into a multiple part story and I’m not even sure how many parts it will have or what exactly will happen. So buckle in because we are all going on a ride.)


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