1/23/22 Aaverfier (Part 2)

 Aaverfier (Part 2)

Nowhere is safe in Aaverfier but everyone has come to an understanding with each other so that some sort of normality can happen. Fights, injuries and murder happen everyday in Aaverfier, but keeping your head low and out of other peoples business can save your life.

In the slums of Aaverfier, which is pretty much everywhere, a long-time resident survives in a small, run down apartment. He goes by A-Jo, but no one knows if that’s his real name or not. A-Jo is an escaped convict, wanted pretty much everywhere. He came to Aaverfier as a place to hide, knowing he could survive the harsh surroundings. By law, no government can arrest him in Aaverfier. This brings safety but has also created a cage. 

After being here for so long, and with the recent changes Rifter has made, A-Jo dreams of leaving Aaverfier, but the thought of life in prison on the outside keeps him contained. He will not however stand for Rifter’s genocide. This is the only place he is “safe” and he is not about to lose it to some strong armed manipulator.

A-Jo sits on his dirty mattress and begins to contemplate how to overthrow Rifter. He knows it is next to impossible to do it alone but is also aware that no one would want to help him and would probably kill him for even asking. A-Jo has kept a pretty low profile in Aaverfier but that is about to change. He decides it’s time he starts earning some respect and making a name for himself; gaining enough power and influence to take out Rifter for good.

A small gang, Terror Rising or TR for short, only 10 or 11 people tops, hang around an alleyway a few streets down from A-Jo’s apartment building. A-Jo puts on his dark jacket, pocketing his pistol. He leaves his building with his head held low, and begins walking to TR’s turf.

Outside the TR alleyway, A-Jo “accidentally” knocks over a large metal trash can. The clanking is heard all over the street. A few heads turn but most wisely ignore the noise, as if it never even happened.

From the alleyway, a large hispanic man, in a black muscle shirt, arms covered with tattoos, emerges from the darkness. He looks A-Jo up and down, “You gonna pick that up?” his deep voice, threatenly questions.

A-Jo looks up at the man, a few inches taller than himself, and stares him directly in the eyes, “Wasn’t planning on it. This city is enough of a dump, I don’t see why I need to,” he replies, clearly challenging the hispanic man’s threat. Behind his ear, A-Jo hears the faint click of a gun.

“I think you should pick up the trash,” a male voice behind him says bluntly.

“I don’t think I will.” As the last word leave’s A-Jo’s mouth, he quickly turns and ducks, grabbing the arms of the smaller man behind him and quickly subduing him. Now, holding the smaller man in place, gun pointed at the larger, he begins making his demands, “I want to talk with your leader. Take me to him or I will make him come to me.”

The larger man lets out a chuckle as he quickly pulls out a gun of his own from behind him, pointing it at A-Jo, “I don’t think so, little man.” He gives a nod to the subdued gunman and it is quickly understood. The smaller man in A-Jo’s grasp, opens his hand and drops his gun. Before the larger man can fire, A-Jo pulls out his own pistol and shoots the larger man twice; he goes down. The smaller man frantically tries to re-grab the gun on the ground but A-Jo is faster. Once again A-Jo holds the man, preventing any major movement.

“Ok, little man,” he says mocking the words of the now dead man, lying on the ground, “Take me to your leader, or he will have to come here and find me next to both your dead bodies.” Terrified the man agrees and begins to lead A-Jo to the home base of Terror Rising, where the rest of the gang reside.

To be continued



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