1/24/22 Aaverfier (Part 3)

Aaverfier (Part 3)

A-Jo and his hostage arrive at an old museum. Graffiti, plants and damage cover all the walls, inside and out, with the inside being livable but undesirable; much like the rest of Aaverfier.

Two guards stare down A-Jo as he enters, gun to the man's head. The man signals the guards to stand down with a small nod of his head and movement of his fingers. Inside they find 5 more men scattered around the large main room, eyes glued to A-jo and his hostage.

In the center of the room sits a grand chair, a mock throne. A hispanic woman with blood red hair sits on this throne, calmly watching as A-Jo and the man approach. They stop short of the throne as A-Jo looks to the leader of Terror Rising.

“How’d a little lady like you find yourself as the head of an Aaverfier street gang?” A-Jo says, slightly demeaningly, trying to intimidate her. 

Instead of replying with words the woman pulls out a small gun and points it toward A-Jo and the man. A-Jo holds the gun tighter to the man's head, ready to shoot. *BANG* A-Jo’s hostage falls to the ground, a bullet in his head, but the bullet did not come from A-Jo’s gun, but from the woman’s.

“The same way you threatened and killed my men but still made it in here alive,” the woman responds, as she slowly spins her gun around her fingers. A-Jo hesitates for a moment, in shock over what just happened. He takes a quick glance at the others around the room and sees no reaction on any of their faces. “As you have noticed everyone is replaceable, all my men know that. Now before you end up just like him, you better start talking.”

A-Jo quickly reclaims his confident demeanor and faces the woman, “You’re right, everyone is replaceable here and there is a certain someone I would like to have replaced, and I think you would too.”

“I’m listening,” the woman curiously replies.

“I want to take out Rifter,” A-Jo says, completely serious.

The woman and her men begin laughing, mocking the mere idea of what he just said, “You, a little nobody, want to take down the toughest, most influential and powerful man in Aaverfier? And on top of that you come asking for help, which as everyone knows, is a very dangerous business.”

“I am very aware of that which is why I’m not asking for help… I am demanding it,” A-Jo says confidently. The room goes silent. “I know I can’t take down Rifter and his little army by myself, so I need a small army of my own. You will help me or I will kill every single one of you and be on my way to find others.”

The sound of 8 clicking guns is heard all around A-Jo. “That is quite the threat, one I don’t think you could carry out,” the woman says.

“Will you help me, or do you have to find out the hard way that I’m right. I already took out your big man, what’s 8 more, more average size guys?” he responds arrogantly. 

The woman holds up her hand and the men lower their guns, “Alright mister confident, we will help you, and if you are as good as you say, we should have no problem winning. I have only one condition.”

“Name it.”

“I will be the next ruler of Aaverfier.”

“That’s fine, I don’t want to rule, I just don’t want Rifter and his genocide plan. Just make sure you don’t give me a reason to bring you down next,” he says with an almost flirtatious wink.

The woman smirks, “Deal. We will help you bring down Rifter and then you will be on your way…” she stops, unknowing of his name.

“A-Jo,” he says, finishing her sentence.

“Mava,” she says, returning the introduction.

To be continued



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