1/25/22 Aaverfier (Part 4)

 Aaverfier (Part 4)

*Trigger Warning: Suicide*

A-Jo and Terror Rising gear up with guns, and a whole lot of ammo. They know Rifter’s base is heavily fortified and guarded by his minions. Their attack needs to be quick and completely by surprise; stealthy at first, then a fast and strong attack. 

“Are you and your men ready for this Mava?” A-Jo asks.

“Are you?” she replies in mock disgust.

With the plan fresh in everyone’s mind, the group of 9 leave for Rifters base. Night hides them well as they approach their destination. Guards patrol the outside of the large ruined red brick mansion. From surrounding foliage the group watches the guards. A-Jo and Mava hide behind a large bush while the other gang members surround the house. 

Mava sends a subtle signal to the nearest man and the message gets passed around. With silencers on all the firearms, little pops are heard around the house, followed by bodies falling to the ground. The group meets at the front door and charges in, shooting anyone they see, not giving anyone a chance to react. 

By now the whole house has been alerted to what is happening. As they search the house room by room, two of the group's members are killed. The minions are quickly disposed of, but with a group so small, every loss is a big one.

The remaining 7 burst into a grand ballroom where they find Rifter sitting on a makeshift throne, much like Mava’s, and surrounded by at least a dozen minions with guns raised. Everyone freezes, waiting to see who is going to fire the first shot of this battle.

Rifter stands from his chair, “I’m impressed, no one has ever made it this far,” he says in a very dapper tone, “But my admiration of your attempt will not save your lives,” he chuckles “Can’t ruin my reputation now can I?” With a flick of Rifter's hand his men begin to fire, and the group of 7 fire back. 

Bodies drop, men from both sides. The firing continues as everyone begins to fall to the floor, dead or heavily injured. Only A-Jo, Mava, and another TR member are left, but they have whittled down Rifter’s men to just 5.

The firefight continues, with the only sound in the room the loud banging of the guns. Suddenly during the shooting the last man from TR calls out “MAVA!” just before she is shot directly in the head. The man takes out 3 of Rifter’s minions before being taken down himself. With the minions distracted by the man, A-Jo cleanly shoots both of them in the back.

The room falls silent. The only people left alive are A-Jo and Rifter. A-Jo points his gun at Rifter who pulls out one of his own. The two men stare each other down.

In the same dapper tone Rifter begins, “Wow, you are really determined to rule Aaverfier aren’t you-” he is cut off as A-Jo shoots. Rifter’s lifeless body falls to the floor.

“No, I just didn’t want you in charge anymore,” he replies to the now dead body. A-Jo slowly leaves the room and trudges out the door. Witnesses around see him leaving and are terrified. Knowing the power Rifter held, anyone would be scared of a man who could bring him down.

The news of Rifter’s death spreads quickly around Aaverfier, pictures taken by the witnesses of A-Jo are posted around town, declaring a new leader. Everyone tended to leave everyone else alone in Aaverfier, but being feared as the leader was a whole new kind of loneliness. He knew that anyone who saw him would be afraid and those that tried to converse with him would only do it out of fear or of flattery. They would all want something from him, whether it be their lives or to be one of his men.

A-Jo sits down on the mattress in his small apartment and holds his gun in his hand, looking at the shine of the metal and his faint reflection looking back at him. With his heart full of sorrow, still hung up on losing Mava and her gang, the first personal connection he had had in years, and now knowing he will never have anything like it again. 

“This wasn’t how it was supposed to go,” he says sadly, slowly raising the gun to his head, “I guess this was my way out of Aaverfier all along.”

The End



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