1/27/22 A Stressful Night

 A Stressful Night

“No sleep, very tired. What was that?! Oh heh, it's just the cat. Huh, who's there? Nobody, just the voices in my head. Go away please.”

“Ugh, I’m so tired of carrying her emotions on top of my own. As if mine weren’t bad enough, adding another's depression is not helping anything.”

“Let’s do something. Never mind, no energy, let’s just sleep. No but I have to do these few things, it won't take very long, then we can sleep. Alright but let’s wait a while, I don’t want to do it right now. But I want to sleep right now, and to sleep I need to do these things. It will all be fine.”

“Alright all done with that, let’s sleep. It’s so dark. Why is everything scarier in the dark? The whole mood changes, I can be fine in the daylight and terrified at night, and all that has changed is the lighting. Well if I close my eyes everything will be fine and it will be morning soon enough. Goodnight cat, goodnight me.”

The End



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