1/28/22 Snakes


In a dense forest, a man walks around with his camera, capturing the stillness of nature just before nightfall. Walking through trees and bushes he stops, seeing the perfect image to capture right in front of him. He puts the camera to his eye and adjusts his lens, making sure the photo captures the beauty that is before him. *click* He snaps the photo. ‘Perfect’ he thinks to himself.

He carries on through the forest, finding the perfect spots for photos. In front of him sits a large tree and in a branch he spots a calm owl, sitting peacefully on a branch. The photographer stops his pace and points his camera towards the owl, *click*. 

As he looks down at the photo something unusual catches his eye. A large amount of snakes are all traveling in the same direction, as if they are being pulled by an unseen force. ‘What the hell?’ The snakes are of all colors, patterns and sizes. Some larger and others very small, like babies among giants. 

The man watches as the snakes instinctively go to…wherever they are going. Overwhelmed with curiosity the photographer follows the snakes. The snakes pay the man no mind and continue on their way, as if he wasn’t even there; their only concern being to go in that one direction.

The snakes reach their destination with the man trailing behind. The man looks around at a grassy clearing in the middle of the forest, surrounded by trees. He looks to see snakes coming from all directions, all converging at this clearing. 

As the hoard of snakes reach the grassy circular clearing they move around in the grass, careful not to run into each other. The man watches in awe as the snakes dance around one another in patterns; so routine, so mechanical, like they had been doing it for a lifetime. 

The photographer looks up as he notices the sun setting. As the light leaves the sky he looks back to the snakes who have begun to glow. The glowing brightens as the sunlight fades. Quietly, the photographer puts his camera to his eye once again and photographs the snakes.

After taking a handful of photos he just stares, amazed at this rare and unique part of nature that he is currently witnessing. Part of him wants to go home and show these photos to the world, become famous for finding the glowing circle of snakes, but another side holds him back. He decides to keep the photos to himself, so that he can always admire them and so the snakes can be left in peace in the woods, to continue their bright and colorful dance. 

The End



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