1/29/22 The Paulwick Pirate (Part 1)

 The Paulwick Pirate (Part 1)

A tall, brown haired man, all dressed up in his naval uniform, enters his home just outside of London. Silence fills the home except for a small hint of splashing water. The man walks to his washroom to find a woman, with shaggy golden hair, submerged in his tub, with only her head sticking out of the water.

“What on earth are you doing here?” the man says averting his eyes from the woman.

“Oh just having a bath, care to join?” the woman replies in a seductive tone.

“No,” the man gravely replies, “I do not appreciate this intrusion.”

The woman lets out a single sharp laugh, “Intrusion? You are the one who walked in on me, and besides, you invited me here…Captain,” she says, playfully dragging out the last word.

“When I formally requested to meet with you this is not what I had in mind,” he says, annoyed by the woman's non-serious tone.

“Well then that’s your fault for expecting a pirate to be formal.” The woman climbs out of the tub. The Captain freezes in shock then quickly leaves the room. He waits for her on a couch in the front room. She walks into the room, now fully clothed and slumps into a chair across from him. “So Captain Flint, what are you doing meeting with a pirate like me?”

“I wanted to meet with you to ask for your help on a mission I have been ordered to take.”

Her face lights up like a child, “Oh sounds fun, what’s this little mission and how can I help?”

“I have been ordered by the King to find buried Spanish gold on a deserted island in the middle of the Atlantic. Who better to find buried treasure than a pirate?” he says with a smile.

“Interesting, interesting, but why me. There’s a million male pirates out there, why would you choose a lady for your mission?” she pries.

“Well I have heard rumors that the great Pirate Leona has recently found herself without a ship. Also having a lady on board is great incentive for my men.”

Leona gasps, “How dare you Captain, I am a pirate not a whore!” she says in disgust.

“Well you seemed quite willing to let me into your bath,” he says smoothly.

Her eyes narrow, “Well yes, but I don’t remember inviting your whole crew.”

“Of course not,” he apologizes, “And besides, that’s not what I meant. You would be surprised what a man will do just to impress a lady.”

Leona thinks for a moment, “If I do agree to this, what’s in it for me?”

“On this journey you will be my First Mate, and if we succeed I have been granted permission to promote you to Captain and you will be given your own ship in the Royal Navy.”

“Ha, a woman, a pirate woman, Captain in the Royal Navy? You must be joking.”

“I’m not,” he pulls out a piece of paper, “I have a written document from the King himself confirming what I have just told you.” Flint hands Leona the paper.

Leona reads it over then stares at the Royal Seal in the corner, “I never thought I’d see the day. Captain, you have yourself a deal, when do we leave?”

“We leave on the Paulwick tomorrow morning,” Flint says proudly.

“I will see you then Captain,” she says with a sly smile.

To be continued



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