1/30/22 The Paulwick Pirate (Part 2)

 The Paulwick Pirate (Part 2)

The next morning, Leona arrives at the docks in front of the Paulwick, dressed in her pirate attire.

“Good morning Miss Leona, I was starting to think you weren’t coming,” Captain Flint yells down from the deck of the ship.

“And miss the chance at buried treasure? I would never,” Leona says with a devious smile.

“Miss Leona, are you aware that any treasure we find will be taken straight to the King?” Flint asks.

Leona’s devious smile grows, “Of course Captain,” she says, walking up the wooden ramp and boarding the ship. She looks around admiring the vessel then turns to Flint, “A fine ship you have here Captain, the Paulwick is quite a beauty.”

“I know. She’s the finest ship I’ve ever had the honor of sailing aboard.” He says as he gently rubs the railing of the ship. Snapping out of his admiration for the Paulwick, Flint looks to Leona, “Miss Leona, if you would join me in my cabin, I believe we should discuss in more detail the plans for this voyage.”

Leona dramatically bats her eyelashes, “Yes let's go, ‘discuss the plans’ Captain,” she says flirtily. 

Blood rushes to Flint's face as he exhales deeply through his nose. He enters his cabin with Leona coming in right behind. Flint sits at a small table in the middle of the room and motions for Leona to take the chair opposite of him. On the table a large map is layed out. The two look at the map, “Right here, this Island is our destination,” he says pointing at a small spot of land.

“And do you know where on the Island the gold is buried? This Island may look tiny but it is surely much bigger in person,” 

“I have been informed the gold is buried somewhere on the south beach.”

“And how would your English informant know where the Spanish gold is buried? Leona says, skeptical of the information.

Flint pauses, “Well I’m…I’m not sure to be honest but this information came from officers of the Royal Navy so I have no reason to doubt their validity,” he says, becoming slightly skeptical himself.

“Alright then,” Leona un-assuredly replies, “Well shall we set sail then Captain?”

“Yes, but first I must introduce you to the crew,” Flint says, standing up and walking to grab the door.

“Oh yes, so I can provide ‘incentive’ for them,” she says, hiding her annoyance with a fake smile.

“So that they understand your rank on this ship and that they will be taking orders from you on this mission,” he says respectfully with a small bow as he opens the door for her. Leona's smile becomes genuine as she walks past Flint and exits the Captains cabin. 

The two walk up the stairs and look down at the men gathered on the deck. All eyes are on Leona but Flint quickly draws their attention, “Men I would like to introduce you to our First Mate, Miss Leona.” The crew begins whispering to each other. “Now I know what you are all thinking and I want you all to know that yes, you will be taking orders from a lady, and I expect you all to treat her with the same respect you would treat any other First Mate aboard this ship. Understood?” He asks commandingly. 

“AYE!” they all shout in unison. 

“Alright, set course for the Island and let’s set sail!” The Captain orders. The crew scurries to their posts. The ship is untied from the dock and the Paulwick sets sail for the small island in the middle of the ocean.

To be continued



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