2/18/22 Magic


“Come right in,” she said with a hint of seduction laced in her voice. The young man hesitantly followed the woman inside her small shop. “I know exactly why you are here.”

Nervously the man replies, “Oh you do? And why is tha-ugh I mean- how do you know I’m here- umm why I’m here,” he stutters.

“Because everyone who ends up at my shop is here for the exact same reason.”

The man gulps, “I umm, wanted to know, if you could uhm, if you would teach me about… magic.” The man tenses up, feeling ashamed for asking such a childish question.

The woman smiles, “Of course, after all, that is what they all ask of me,” she winks. Letting go of the tenseness the man exhales deeply. “Now the first thing you need to know is that real world magic is not like what you see in movies and fairytales. It is much more subtle, more hidden. It takes much concentration and practice to master the craft.” 

The man listens intently. “Secondly the world doesn’t call what we do magic, they call it telekinesis. They had to make it sound all sciency you know,” she says mockingly. 

Quickly understanding the man is intrigued, “How long does it take to learn telekinesis?”

“I said the world calls it telekinesis, but if you call it that one more time you can leave my shop right now,” she says angrily.

Throwing his arms up in defense he apologetically says, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. How long does it take to learn magic?” 

Accepting his apology the woman explains, “It took me many many years, and it has been the same for all that I have trained. Some are faster, some are slower, but it takes time and discipline.”

The man looks at her doubtfully, “And in the end I will really be able to move things with my mind?”

A look of disappointment covers the woman’s face. Without saying a word she looks to an elegant white feather lying on a table. Slowly it begins to rise, very stiffly, not like it would if it were being blown in the wind. The man stares in awe. “Doubt is the biggest thing that keeps people from using their magic. If you want to do this one day, you will never doubt me again.” The man eagerly shakes his head. The woman smiles once again, “Good, it is now time for your first lesson.”

The End



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