2/20/22 The Reward (Part 2)

 The Reward (Part 2)

A few minutes later, a tall blonde woman in a short black leather dress and high heels walks in the door, her shoulders covered by a loose black jacket.

The man tries to turn his eyes away, not wanting to stare inappropriately, “No no no no no, this is not the kind of reward I wanted.”

The woman laughs, “Oh no sweetie, I am just here to take you to collect your reward. Follow me,” she says as she walks out the door of the bakery.

The man's brain processes what she said as his legs quickly move to follow the woman. “Umm ma’am where are we going?” he asks, still terribly confused about everything.

“You’ll see when we get there, just keep up,” she quickens her pace. The man struggles to keep up with her long stride. After walking down many street blocks they reach a dark alleyway, “We are here,” the woman says.

The man cautiously looks down the alley, “This is where I get my reward?” The woman nods. She walks into the alley and the man follows. When they reach the end the man finds himself staring at a hole in the wall covered in cardboard and various cloths. 

“Here you will need this,” the woman says, handing him a deep blue oblong crystal. Pushing back the cloth the woman walks inside and the man slowly follows. 

Inside, lit by soft candlelight, is a woman with a dark blue velvet cloak, “What brings you to my hovel?” she asks with an intentionally creepy voice. The blonde woman motions for the man to give the woman the crystal. He slowly hands it to her. “Ah Sapphire, how beautiful. This is very valuable, you know.” The man stands silently, unsure of what to say. “I suppose you will want some form of payment for this?”

“Um yeah, I guess so,” he responds. The cloaked woman stands up and pulls out a dagger. The man jumps back in fear, “Ok, ok, nevermind, you can just have it!”

“I’m not going to kill you, I just need one more thing before I pay you,” she walks over to him and holds the knife to the back of his head. The man’s eyes never leave her. She quickly slices off a few strands of hair and places them in a small bowl filled with similar hair clippings. “Perfect,” she smiles. The cloaked woman sits back down and reaches into a bag. She pulls out a pouch and tosses it to the man. Clumsily he catches it and looks inside. “There is about $300 worth of silver coins in there.”

The man's eyes widen as he stares at the shining silver coins, “Thank you.”

“Alright, let's not disturb her any further,” the woman in the black dress says, pulling the man out of the hovel. 

“Am I good to go home now? Is there any other witchcraftian rituals I need to go through?” the man asks sarcastically.

“No you are free to go, I would suggest never coming back here.”

The man lets out a shard laugh, “Trust me lady, I don’t plan on coming back here ever again,” the man says as he walks away, back to the safety and stability of his home and normal life routines.

The End



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