2/22/22 Teach Me How To Fly?

 Teach Me How To Fly?

“Aerthyde, almid, derekt. Kinoay, shymid, ranu. Hinsora, waytana, calekili.”

“Daddy, what do those funny words mean?” a young girl asks.

Shocked that his daughter was listening, the man quickly turns to the young girl, “Well Maya, I don’t actually know what they mean, but I know what they do,” he winks.

“What do they do?” Maya asks.

“They cast a magic spell!”

The young girl skeptically squints her eyes, “Magics not real daddy,” she says bluntly.

“Oh yes it is my darling. If you would let me finish the spell, I will show you.”

Maya furrows her eyebrows, still skeptical of her fathers magical abilities, but also curious to see if he is telling the truth. “Alright daddy, you can finish.” The father takes a breath to restart the spell. “Daddy what is the spell going to do?” Maya spurts out, cutting him off just before he begins.

The father smiles, “You will have to wait and see.” He restarts the spell,
“Aerthyde, almid, derekt. Kinoay, shymid, ranu. Hinsora, waytana, calekili. Ashudaan mashila, keyocek meelsidan!” he says, his words growing louder and louder as they go. The spell is finished and a magical golden glow appears around the man. The young girl's eyes open wide, staring at her father.

“Daddy you’re floating!” she yells in excitement as she watches her father rise to the ceiling. 

“I told you it would work,” he says as he slowly drifts around the room.

“Me next daddy! Me next!” the little girl jumps with excitement.

“No my sweet Maya, you must wait until you are older, I fear you would fly far away and never return,” the father says as he lands his feet back on the ground, embracing his daughter in a tight loving hug. “I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you because of my magic,” a tear slides from his eye.

“When I am older, will you teach me how to fly?”

“Yes my darling, when you are older I will teach you how to fly.”

“Thank you daddy, thank you!”

“Of course, I love you Maya.”

“I love you too daddy,” she says, squeezing her father tight.

The End



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