2/23/22 Fragment of the Sun

 Fragment of the Sun

She grabbed the sun and forcefully ripped a small piece off. In her hands she held the small ball of light. She could feel its power radiating in her hands. It was beautiful. Nothing she had ever experienced had felt like this. 

The woman wondered what she could do with the tiny sun fragment. ‘Fire’ she thought to herself. The sun piece could bring two things, light and heat, and heat meant fire. Never before had she wanted to set something on fire so badly.

She started small, taking a piece of paper and holding it above the piece of sun. Instantly it went up in flames and fell to ashes. This was only the beginning, the paper was too small and the woman wanted more.

Heading outside the woman found a tree, alone in a field, set apart from all the others. At the base of the tree she slowly moved the small sun ball towards the tree. The bark started to blacken. As the ball of light touched the tree, fire shot up the trunk and the tree went up in flames. The woman scurried back, not wanting to be burned by the fire. She stared into the flame, soaking up the heat. 

The tree continued to burn, and as the fire crackled, small flames began in the field. The woman saw what was happening and hurried off, not wanting to be caught. One tree was amazing but still not enough.

The woman traveled to a hilltop that overlooked a city. She climbed, being very careful with her little ball of light. As she reached the peak she looked down at all the lights of the city. ‘Oh how much brighter this city will become.’ She looks to the small piece of sun in her hands, “Goodbye my sunshine,” she says to it. 

The woman reaches her arm back then as hard as she can launches the sun fragment towards the city. Like a tiny meteor, the little fireball hurdles towards the city and lands. With its immense heat it lights up the first building in no time. With the fire burning so hot, it spreads rapidly, with no care for the damage it is causing.

On her hilltop she watches as the city burns, her eyes wide, glued to the light. “Beautiful,” she says softly to herself, as the city continues to go up in flames.

The End



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