2/26/22 How Can I Help?

 How Can I Help?

Sitting on the sidewalk I see a woman walking my way. Most people walk past me, sparing me a glance then strolling on without a second thought. She was different. I could see her looking at me, looking at my cardboard sign with “Anything Helps” written in big black letters. Slowly she walked up to me.

“Hello,” she said softly, giving an awkward little wave.

I cautiously look up at her, “Ugh hello?”

“How can I help you?” she says with sympathy in a stern voice.

“Well money helps, food, clothes, anything really,” I say, motioning to the sign.

“Wait here, I will be back in an hour.”

“Alright?” ‘It’s not like I have anywhere to go,’ I think to myself. I continue to sit against the side of the building, watching people walk past, some giving nasty glares, an occasional sympathetic smile. But no one else stopped, only that one lady.

An hour passed and the lady returned with two large shopping bags hung on her arms and a backpack on her back. I stand up to help relieve her load. Together we set the bags out on the sidewalk as she starts showing me what’s inside.

“So this bag has some food that will last basically forever, and it tastes good, I wasn’t about to get you that garbage that everyone else donates,” she reaches for the other bag, “And here we have a few outfits, one for cold days, one for hot days, one for in between, and one very formal, interview worthy outfit,” she says with a wink. “Also I have talked around to some hiring agencies and temp agencies, let them know you might be stopping in, in the next few days. Also I heard about this lady who has sort of a foster home but for homeless people. Somewhere where they can stay long enough to get on their feet,” the woman pulls out an envelope and hands it to me, “In here you will find her address and the addresses of the various hiring agencies, and a little something extra to help you along.” I open the envelope to see the paper with addresses scribbled down and next to it a small wad of cash. “ Also, if you are ever in a dire situation I wrote my phone number down. I can’t promise I will always be able to help out this much but I want to try.” My eyes begin to fill with tears. “Oh and I almost forgot,” she says taking the backpack off, “In here are some basic necessities, and of course you can use the backpack to carry your new clothes in, and whatever else you can fit in there.” 

“Thank you, so much. We need more people like you in the world.”

The End



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