2/28/22 Living Water

 Living Water

In oceans and lakes and rivers and ponds, the water comes alive. It can never be seen as it is surrounded by itself, but it lives. Were it to walk on land it would take form. The droplets of water would all hold together, dripping as they go, but as a whole figure, never diminishing in size.

The individual drops sticking together would look like scales to us; A massive, shapeless blob made of water scales. This living water would not be a threat to humans, they swim in water all the time and have passed through these water creatures many times without knowing it.

But what purpose would this living water have to come on land? Why would it want to be seen by humans? Like all living creatures, the water is curious. Always constrained to it’s wet environment, the water creatures venture to the land out of pure curiosity. They simply want to experience something new.

People would surely be scared but quickly realize that it's just water. Although it may be moving by itself, it is still the same liquid they have known for a lifetime. The only difference being is that no one discovered the true life within the water. 

After having it’s walk on the land, the water creature would return to the body of water from which it came. Having delved into a new experience, it would return home, to possibly never be seen again.

The End



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