3/16/22 Why Is There No Blood?

 Why Is There No Blood?

         “Mommy, why is there no blood?” 

“Aiden, that’s an apple. Apples don’t have blood.”

“But when you get cut you bleed, and I cut the apple and it didn’t bleed.”

“That’s because apples aren’t people. They don’t have blood.”

“But apples are alive right, they grow just like I do right?”

“Well yes they grow but, I wouldn’t say they are alive.”

“So apples are dead?”

“No they aren’t dead, but they aren’t alive either.”

“Well then what are they?”

“Well usually we say apples are either good or bad, ripe or rotten.”

“But people can be good or bad also can’t they?”

“Yes they can, but it’s different. We have brains and can think. Apples don’t have brains.”

“Then how do they know how to grow?”

“...That’s just how they were created. That’s how plants work.”

“I don’t understand mommy.”

“Aiden, come to think of it, I don’t really understand it either. But I know one thing.”

“What’s that mommy?”

“Apples don’t have blood. Ok?”

“Ok mommy.”

The End



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