3/24/22 Daggers (Part 1)

 Daggers (Part 1)

She snuck through the bushes, ornate twin daggers held tightly on her sides and a third smaller dagger concealed on her leg. Ahead of her, an unsuspecting traveler trudged along the dirt path, carrying a large leather bag full of his belongings.

She crept along, silent as the wind, waiting for the perfect moment to make her move. The man stopped to drink from his waterskin. The woman pulled the dagger on her leg out of its holster. She held it carefully in her hand, aiming to throw it toward the man, not hitting him, but slicing the bag thrown over his shoulder. Holding the dagger up and then pulling her arm back, she threw it. The small dagger flew, perfectly on target, about to hit the bag, but it never reached its target.

The man quickly snapped around and caught the dagger before it reached the bag. He quickly locked eyes with the woman, dropped the bag and charged her. She was shocked, this never happened. She quickly ran, searching for a place to hide to ambush the man once again. 

A large patch of bushes came into view and she dove in and froze, not making another noise. She watched through a small gap in the leaves as the man stopped, thoroughly scanning the forest trying to find her. 

Once his back was to her she rapidly jumped out, pulling out her twin daggers, ready to disarm the man. Again with lightning fast reflexes, the man turned and a fight ensued. With the woman’s twin daggers against the small dagger the man had caught, it seems the winner would be obvious. The man however showed much skill with the small blade and the movements of his body. The two fought back and forth, both trying to incapacitate the other, and if necessary wound. 

Well into the fight, the man was able to slip his dagger between the woman's hand and her dagger, as he launched it through the air somewhere into the dense forest. She froze for a moment to process what had happened and the man took the opportunity to subdue her, grabbing her arm and shoulder and throwing her to the ground. 

He quickly grabbed the remaining dagger out of her hand, “You weren’t expecting that now were you, thief,” he said cockily with disgust in his voice.

“I will admit, this is a first for me,” she replied calmly. 

The man, annoyed by her tone, pressed her harder against the ground.

“What are you going to do with me now?” came the woman’s voice, muffled by the ground. “Unless you intend to dig a hole with my face and bury me in it.”

The man released some tension off the woman where she was still unable to move but in slightly less discomfort. “I know exactly what I am going to do with you, Thorn Thrower.”

To be continued



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