3/25/22 Daggers (Part 2)

 Daggers (Part 2)

“How did you know?” the woman asked, her calm demeanor slowly fading away.

“I would recognize a Thorn Throwers blade from ten yards away,” he replied, changing his grip on her so he now held her from behind, holding her own blade in front of her eyes. “I have been staring at a blade exactly like this for four years, after I pulled it from my mothers back.”

The woman’s breathing wavered as the blade hovered inches away from her face. “Thorn Throwers do not kill, we are simply a guild of thieves,” she said defensively.

  “That’s what I and everyone else believed as well. But it seems your guild has changed its code a bit.” The man gulped, “My father and I came home from a hunting trip and found our home ransacked and my mother dead, one of your blades stabbed squarely in her back.” He brought the dagger to her throat as the emotions raged through him. 

The woman sharply inhaled as she pleaded, “The first code of our guild is ‘Thieves not Murderers.’ Yes we are trained like assassins but we use our training to steal, never kill,” she spit out quickly.

“Then how do you explain my mother’s death!” he screamed, the blade now touching her neck, almost piercing the skin.

“I don’t know!” she cried out.

The man calmed down, but now held a crazy look in his eyes, “It doesn’t matter now anyways, I made a vow that day to destroy the Thorn Thrower guild. I trained day and night, and now I wander the woods, presenting myself as a perfect target for an ambush, just waiting for members of your guild to pick me as your target. It may take my whole life, but one by one I will take you all out.”

The woman’s heart beat rapidly. She tried to figure out how to get out of the man's grasp but it was tight and he was strong, and held her in such a way, no movement would be productive in any way.

“You know, this may not be a first for you, but this is the seventh time for me. Six of your sisters before you have fallen upon the same fate you are about to experience.”

“You don’t have to do this. We are not perfect, we are thieves, but we didn’t kill your mother, someone must have-” her sentence was cut short as the man took the ornate dagger and slit her throat. Her lifeless body fell to the forest floor.

“One step closer mother,” the man said, a tear falling from his eye as he dropped the dagger and walked away. 

The End



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