3/27/22 Follow the Spirit Wolves

 Follow the Spirit Wolves

I look ahead into the misty purple twilight and before me I see three dark gray wolves. They glow a bluish green that mixes with the deep purple of the night. Their eyes shine a vibrant yellow, standing out amongst their long fur.

They seem friendly, not making any moves to attack. They all just stand side by side, staring into my very soul. I am not afraid, I simply stare at them, with the strong instinct that I am meant to follow them. As I take a slow step towards them, they turn to face away from me, but all in different directions.

As they begin taking their long strides, separating from their small pack of three, I am left with a choice, which one do I follow? I know in my heart I must follow one, but do not know which one to choose. 

Is one of them right and one of them wrong, but what would the third one be? Will they all lead me on similar paths, or take me each on different adventures? Will they lead me anywhere at all, or will I just spend the night living like a wolf and learning their ways? 

The wolves start to fade out of site, I need to choose now. I look at all three one by one and let my heart decide. Driven by pure instinct, it pulls me to the one in the middle. I quickly run to catch up with the wolf then slow down once I have matched its pace. 

“Where are we going?” I ask the wolf, hoping for a response. The wolf stays silent and continues its mild monotonous stride. “Yeah I didn’t think that would work.” 

As the moon grows brighter and the sky turns dark, the wolf leads me deep into a forest. Walking through the dirt and leaves, I stop for a moment as I hear noises around me. I see the other two wolves, rejoining us. ‘If they were all going to the same place, why did they go different ways?’ I think to myself, knowing I will never have an answer. 

The three wolves, once again side by side, stop and their bluish green glow grows bright. I look around and see nothing, unsure of why the wolves have led me here. Brighter and brighter they glow until they disappear completely into the light. Where they once stood, a small, light furred wolf pup lays still on the ground. Small whimpers escape its jaw, it is hurt and afraid. I quickly but gently pick up the pup and carry him out of the woods. 

As I walk with the small animal in my arms, I try to examine his body to find the source of his pain. I find a large splinter sticking out from his front right leg. I pull it out as gently as I can. A loud pained howl escapes through the night air. With the pain now gone I can feel the pup relax in my arms.

“You are safe now my friend, I will take care of you, I promise.”

The End



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