3/30/22 This is not a Story

 This is not a Story

Hello and welcome to, not a story, featuring me, Elizabee. So here I am, sitting at my computer, procrastinating about writing for the day as usual and I just have the thought of, “I have no idea what to write tonight.” So for the sake of still writing something and keeping my streak alive, I’m just writing some stream of consciousness right now. So hello again, and welcome to what is going on inside my brain.

This is probably going to be really boring to read and I’m sorry for that but I felt I needed to write something, so this is what I got. I could have made a normal post being like “hey, I’m taking a day off,” and literally no one would care, but I care. I have a weird kind of perfectionism where, because I set my goal for writing everyday this year,  I have to keep doing it everyday and if I stop for just one day, it is so hard to pick it back up. I feel like I failed because I missed a day and will literally be like “Welp, I’ll try again next year.” I know that is not the best mindset and something I need to work on but that’s just how it is.

I guess you guys will also get to learn some random details about me during this stream of consciousness. I write that and then immediately cannot think of something else to write about myself.

The show must go on, I must keep this stream of consciousness going. Or maybe I don’t. I don’t really have a limit of how much I need to write each night, I just wanted to be in the habit of writing something every night. Some night if I’m really not feeling it, y'all might get two words on the page and I’m calling it a night.

But I also have to remember that I'm doing this for me. I like sharing it with people and seeing if they like it, but in the end I’m doing this because I enjoy it. So if some of my stories suck, or like this one isn’t even a story, this is just something fun for me to do. I do try and make my writing the best it can be because this challenge was also so I could practice writing and develop my style, as well as building the habit of writing.

Alright this is looking good to me. I will leave you all with one random fact I have decided to throw in this mess. While I have been writing this, I have been drinking some nice ice water out of a mug that is shaped like a toilet.

The End



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