4/16/22 Grief


“No you can’t die,” the little girl said with tears in her eyes.

“My love, you are smart and you are strong. I know you can do this on your own,” the woman said, embraced in her daughter's arms.

“Mama no, I need you, you can’t leave me!” the little girl wailed, a flood of tears escaping from her eyes.

“Oh my sweet princess, I am sorry. If I could stay with you, and help you, and protect you forever I would, but my time has come.” The mothers words became softer, with deep breaths behind them. “I know we weren’t prepared for this, we didn’t know it was coming, but that’s life sometimes my child. It isn’t always fair, but we have to take what we are given and learn to survive, whatever the circumstances may be.”

The little girl sobbed, as her mothers grasped at the last straws of life. “What do I do without you mama, where do I go?”

“Oh don’t worry princess,” she paused, “There will be some very nice men here shortly, they will take care of you, I promise.”

“I don’t want to go with them, I want you mama!”

“I want you too baby, I…I love you…”

“I love you too mama.”

The mother smiled as the life faded from her eyes. The little girl cried, having never felt this kind of grief in her life. Sniffling away her tears, the little girl silently lay on her mothers chest as sirens and flashing lights began blaring through the window. 

The End



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