4/17/22 The Stone Egg

The Stone Egg

A giant rock lay on the side of a hill. The rock was ten times larger than any man; It's cold gray surface, able to withstand wind and storm. Perfectly round and perfectly smooth, the rock laid dormant for years. Untouched by human hands, simply shaped by mother nature herself. 

The rock’s solace was disturbed one day by an energetic adventurer. Climbing the highest of hills, the man stumbled upon the magnificent rock, unable to stay away from it. Something about its smooth texture and massive size drew the man towards it, captivating his attention.

Rubbing his hand over the rock, the man was soothed by the cool stone against his palm. Out of pure curiosity he began to knock on the rock. To his surprise an echo came from inside, as if the rock were completely hollow. He knocked harder, closer to punching the stone, seeing if he could break it open. 

With his fist lightly scraped and bloodied, the man found a smaller stone on the hill and used it as a hammer. He pounded the small rock against the large stone. A small crack began to form in the outer shell of the rock. The man pounded harder and harder against the rock until a small hole formed. A strange smell erupted from inside. The man stood back and threw the small stone directly at the whole, rupturing the small gap and creating a larger hole.

From this new opening a thick clear liquid began to flood out. In the center was a more solid, but still liquid blob of yellow goo. The man quickly shuffled backwards, trying to stay away from the strange, foul smelling liquids pouring out from the rock. 

One the liquid had come to a stand still, the man looked at the giant puddle before him on the grass. His eyes widened as he realized what it was. 

“An egg,” was all the words he was able to muster. With a new raging curiosity, the man had to taste it, no matter how long it had been sitting there, nor how bad it smelled, he needed to try the egg. Slowly stepping close, he reached down and dipped his finger in the eggwhite. Without smelling it, he quickly stuck his finger in his mouth. 

As quickly as it went in, it came back out, with the contents of the man’s lunch from earlier coming with it. The curiosity was sated and now all that was left for the man to do was photograph the giant rock egg. He knew no one would believe the photos were real, but he would know, and that’s all that mattered to him; capturing this strange once in a lifetime moment.

The End



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