4/21/22 Misty Forest Falls

 Misty Forest Falls

Deep into the dim misty forest, three friends travel through the thin tree trunks. Like a maze with no clear direction, the trunks form endless paths. The three friends walk through the night, with their way lit only by the moon. 

What would seem scary was very calm. A peace resided in the forest, enticing the friends to walk deeper in. They weren’t sure why they were there, but felt the overwhelming need to keep going. It was so peaceful and almost magical, there had to be something. 

In the distance were the sounds of a roaring waterfall. The three friends decided to try and find the source of the sound. They walked along the natural paths, through the thin mist on the ground, following only the sound of the water. 

The friends came upon the river and knew they were close. They followed the river towards the waterfall, the sound getting louder and louder. As they reached the mighty waterfall they stopped and stared, amazed by the giant waterfall flowing down the cliffside.

As they looked closer they noticed small balls of light emerge from the ground, on top of the cliff. “It would probably be a stupid idea to climb up there wouldn’t it?” one of the friends suggested.

The next thing they knew they were climbing up the precarious cliffside. Although not        experienced climbers, the cliff was not difficult to conquer. The three friends, now looking down to the forest floor below, inhaled deeply, not scared of the fall, but empowered by the new height. They felt as though they were on top of the world. 

Turning away from the cliff’s edge, they looked to the grassy forest floor. Popping up like little balloons, red blue and yellow lights floated up, attached to the ground by thin white stems. The colors shined bright in the mist, their color dissolving into the fog. The three could not identify what they were as they were definitely not flowers.

One of the friends reached out to touch one. The orb was cool to the touch with a solid but squishable texture. They squished the orb gently, out of fear of popping it. Another of the three, being less considerate, reached down and tried to pull a blue one out of the ground. The stem was strongly rooted and would not budge, but the little orb of blue light plucked off with ease.

As it disconnected the orb turned thin and hard like glass. As the friend squeezed it, it shattered in their hand. The shards did not inflict injuries but left the friends startled. “I think we should leave these alone,” the friend said, as they stood there, their hand still frozen in place as if still holding the orb.

The three friends collectively decided it was time to leave and began their journey back to their homes.

The End



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