5/25/22 The Journey Home

 The Journey Home

“I’ll see you later, have a safe walk home,” my friend says to me as I walk out their front door.

“Don’t worry, I will,” I say as I shut their door and begin my walk home. As I walk on the path through the woods towards my home, I just stare at the trees, not a thought in my mind. My feet know the way as they carry me home, letting my mind be at rest.

As I walk through the woods, admiring the beauty of nature, a small bug flies past my eyes. I close them, trying to keep the bug out. As I hear the faint buzzing disappear I open my eyes and see I am now on…a beach?

‘I was just in the woods, how am I on a beach? I don’t even live near a beach!’ I confusedly think to myself. I turn in every direction, seeing no woods in sight, no way I could have accidentally stumbled upon a beach. The sound of the roaring ocean and fast blowing sea wind is so loud in my ears. The beach seems to go on for miles, so I decide to walk away from the water, up to the non sandy land, hoping to figure out where I am.

As I approach the beach’s end, a large gust of wind blows sand into the air. I close my eyes again, blinking away the sand particles. When I open my eyes fully, the wind is gone, and so is the sound of the ocean behind me…and so is the grassy land that was just in front of me. Now in front of me was an endless dessert with no end in sight. 

“There was grass right there just a second ago!” I exclaim. I now begin to worry. The beach was at least close to civilization, now I am stuck in a desert, with no water and no idea which way to go. “How did I even get here?!” I yell to the sky. The heat begins to set in. I roll up my sleeves and pant legs and start walking, knowing that standing here won’t get anything done. 

After hours of walking, leading me nowhere, I collapse in the hot sand. I lay down and shut my eyes as tears start to fall out, “I just want to go home,” I whisper to myself. Suddenly the hot sand turns ice cold. I open my eyes and see I am now laying in a patch of snow, on what appears to be a mountain. I appear to be high up as I cannot see the ground below.

I start to shiver and quickly roll my sleeves back down my arms and drop my pant legs. I hold my arms tight against my chest, my clothes are not nearly warm enough for this kind of weather.

Unlike the dessert, at least with the mountain I knew which way to go…down. I start trudging downward through the snow, my whole jaw vibrates as my teeth click against each other. I know I will not last long in this weather but there is no shelter of any kind. All I can do is hope I magically teleport back home before the cold takes me. 

As I continue my walk I can feel my legs stiffening up, each step is a struggle as my legs refuse to move. My hope is gone. ‘Maybe if I shut my eyes again like every time before, I will be taken to a more survivable place, home preferably,’ I think to myself.

I close my eyes as tight as I can and hold them shut, praying that I be transported again. The cold air vanishes. I slowly peep my open one eye. I am back in the forest, on my normal path to home. I let out a deep sigh of relief, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

The End



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