5/27/22 A Dose of Tiredness

 A Dose of Tiredness

Normal life was always so bland and boring, no fun, no silliness. But that all changed at night. The mind turned off slightly, shutting down its higher functions. All that was left was the bare minimum to stay functional, and that’s when the fun happens.

Every little thing becomes funny, a permanent smile spreads across the face, stuck in place as if it were sculpted. Jokes don’t have to make sense to be funny, they just are, unconditionally. The expectations of the day are gone, and the goofiness inside is finally allowed to come out and play.

When two are together in this time of tiredness, a connection is shared, hearing the immediate, in the moment thoughts, laughing together at the tiniest things. It is a time of bonding, a time of joy where much fun can be had.

Along with fun, seriousness can also occur. Our walls are down and we feel safe to express our deeper emotions and troubles that we would not normally express in the daytime. It feels right to discuss such topics at night, it just feels wrong to talk about it when the sun is still shining.

Although possibly regretted in the morning, a good dose of tiredness can be very relaxing, very enjoyable, and even healthy in its own ways. It is an experience like no other and should be pursued every once in a while.

The End



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