5/29/22 My Internet Sucks

 My Internet Sucks

Oh why does my internet hate me so much? Anytime I am in the middle of something, or trying to look up something important, it decides to die, to disappear, act like it isn’t even there. It’s like it knows when I really need it and like a villainous backstabbing friend, betrays me in that moment, when it knows it will hurt the most. It pretends everything is fine until I am most desperate for it, and then it turns around, shows its true colors, and vanishes, leaving me to my misery.

Why don’t I just get a different internet provider you may ask. I should, I know I should. My current internet has shown its inability to provide in critical moments. It has shown me that it will not always be there for me. It has shown me its true nature, and I should move on. But I don’t, as this is the only internet I have ever known. To switch would just be extra work, and what if the new internet doesn’t work?

As much as I despise my internet at moments, I know it is there, and when it decides to, it does work. The consistency is not great but would a different provider’s be better? (Probably) My fear of the unknown, and quite honestly laziness has prevented me from reaching out to find a better internet.

One day however, probably soon, I will reach my breaking point. I will put my foot down and take a leap of faith, reaching out to a new provider, hoping for a more stable, more consistent internet. An internet that doesn’t cut out every couple hours. An internet I don’t have to reset every few days. An internet that can just be, so I can just be, and not have to worry about my internet failing. Today is not that day, but I can feel it quickly approaching.

The End

(Author's Note: Yes this is actually me ranting about my internet, but trying to do it in a creative way.)


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