6/18/22 Starlight Orbs (Part 2)

 Starlight Orbs (Part 2)

The bright star shooting through the sky hears the wish of the young girl. Deeming it worthy, the star releases a starlight orb to the ground for the young girl to find. 

Unlike many for centuries, little Lyla notices the small ball of light that emerges from the shooting star. It was so fast but she knew she saw something fall and needed to go find it. She quickly runs inside and slips her little red rain boots over her pajama pants.

“I’ll be right back mom!” she says excitedly. 

Her mother looks up from the book in her hands, “What? Lyla, where are you going?” Lyla zooms out the door and towards the woods near her house. Her mother quickly stands up from her chair and rushes to the door, “Lyla come back!” She scurries to put her shoes on but when she steps back outside her daughter is out of sight, “LYLA!”

The young girl can barely hear her mother’s desperate calls, but ignored them, wanting to find the little light that had fallen. She wanted to find it fast before she forgot where it was. She didn’t know exactly where it had fallen but she knew which direction to go.

Running through the trees became harder as lights from her house disappeared. The woods became very dark and Lyla could barely see, but she was still determined to find the little ball of light. Her pace slowed as she grew more cautious of obstacles in front of her.

Her slow speed was not enough to save her from a large tree root sticking up from the ground. Going at a gentle run, the root tripped Lyla over, making her roll before stopping face first in the dirt. As she stood up and wiped herself off, a few tears running down from her eyes, she looked around. Disorientated by the fall, she had lost the direction she was going in. It was dark in all directions and she could not tell where she had come from, or where she was going. 

Her heart beat fast as she turned nervously, walking a few steps in each direction. She found herself at the root that had tripped her but she couldn’t remember which side of the root she had been on. She was lost. Still determined to find the light, Lyla picked a direction and hoped for the best as she continued her journey forward.

To be continued



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