6/21/22 Communicating with Aliens

 Communicating with Aliens

“Um wow, I ugh…don’t know what to say. Hello?” the woman stutters nervously. The green alien stares at her blankly.

“You probably have no idea what I’m saying do you?” The alien tilts its head.

The woman snaps her fingers and points at the alien, “Ha! Confusion, I understand that. We are gonna figure this out.”

Wanting to use emotion to establish communication, the woman begins to make a plethora of faces, trying to imitate different feelings. A wide cheesy smile for happiness, a droopy mouth for sadness, furrowed eyebrows and squinted eyes for anger.

The alien watched, with seemingly no expression, just watching the woman make a fool of herself in front of this other worldly being. 

“Alright so you and me, we can be friends, happy,” she said with a large smile. “No need to fight, be angry,” she said with a deeper voice and furrowed brow. “I am good,” she gave a thumbs up and returned to her exaggerated smile. “Are you good?” The aliens' eyes squinted again in confusion.

“Just confused, nothing else, you didn’t get any of that?” the woman says, disappointed that her efforts had failed. “Oh I am not the right person for this. Why did it have to be me to randomly discover alien life?”

“Ok, ok let's make this simple, simple, we got this.” The woman gave a thumbs up, “Yes,” she said nodding her head up and down, “No,” with a sideways nod. “Me Hannah,” she points to herself. “You?”

The alien stays silent, not making a noise or any facial expression of any kind. 

“Well at least you haven’t killed me yet,” the woman says half-jokingly, becoming frustrated with the alien’s lack of communication. 

The alien lets out a quick laugh, a spurt of air escaping his lips. The woman is quick to notice and snaps her head around to look at the alien, “What was that? I heard that!” The alien tries its best to hold back the rest of its laughter. “Are you laughing at me?” the woman questions.

“Just a little. I understand everything you are saying, I just wanted to see how far this would go,” it responds before bursting into laughter. 

The woman looks at the alien with anger filled eyes. ‘Who needs aliens anyways?’ she thinks to herself, as she storms off in rage.

The End



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