6/23/22 Word Dump

 Word Dump

Hello everyone this is just a word dump because i'm not feeling particularly creative tonight, those creative juices just ain't flowing. So I gave myself 5 minutes to just dump words onto this page and this is going to be the outcome of that. There will probably be typos or bad grammar (maybe idk depends if I go back and fix it in time or not.) Also if this thing ends in a weird place with no real stopping point, like mid sentence type of thing, it’s because my five minutes ran out and I just stopped.

So ugh I guess welcome to how I talk in real life aside from my writing. I like to think i'm much more elegant in my writing or I try to be. Sometimes when I a m actually talking to people i try and be more creative too. I guess I try to flip flop my writing and actual speaking but thanks to this you all get to witness both, kind of, like yeah I am writing but I am also just straight writing down my thoughts which I know ive done before but it is a nice break from being creative every night.

I know I could just, not write for a day but then I fear I would stop alltoghether and I dont want to do that. So somenights you will het decent writings and other nights its gonna be stuff like this. Oh boy one minute left lets see how many words I can write before that number on the clock shifts and I ha.

The End



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