6/26/22 The Slow Walk Home

 The Slow Walk Home

Illuminated by neon lights, he walked down the rainy street, raindrops landing on his metal skin, making a soft dripping noise with each drop. His heavy feet splashed the puddles of water on the concrete as he took long steps but with a slow stride.

They told him he was waterproof. When they brought him to life, they promised him the rain, or any other source of water, would have no effect on him. They even said he could try and swim if he wanted to! But they were wrong.

Each step grew harder and harder for him. He could not duck inside anywhere for shelter from the rain, at this late hour all the shops were shut and locked. He could break into one but he was good, he didn’t want to cause damage, or risk getting arrested. Being an android meant authorities would not hesitate to destroy him immediately at the slightest sign of illegal activity. 

He tried to return home, back to his creators apartment, so he could be fixed, waterproofed, able to continue living and learning how to be alive. His life was so new, only a few weeks old. He did not want to die just because of some rain.

Trudging his legs along, using his hands to help pull them along, he was so close to the apartment building. He could see the large building standing in the distance, just a few more blocks and he'd be there.  

Sparks began to fly, the malfunctions of himself becoming visible to the outside. As sparks hit the water he stepped in, it only caused more electricity to flow through his body, creating more and more problems. 

His motions were now loose and all over the place. He tried so hard to command his legs to walk, but they gave out and he fell to the ground. Using his still slightly functioning arms, he slowly dragged himself across the asphalt towards the building. He was almost there, practically at the doorstep.

As the pouring rain water seeped into his eyes, the world started going dark. His eyes gave out and he could no longer see. His fingers scraped against the ground, his arms no longer moving. 

The last functions of his body were now shutting down. He couldn’t move, he was stuck laying on the ground, mere feet away from the door to his creators apartment, the place he also called home. 

He could still hear, just barely. He made out the sound of quick approaching footsteps. “AXIS!” was all he heard, before his brain completely shut off. 

The End



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