7/13/22 Escape (Part 4)
Escape (Part 4)
During the night Ora is suddenly awoken by a loud banging noise. It is louder than she had ever heard back at her cottage. The noise was deafening. She began to scream, waking up Len in the other room.
Startled by her screams, Len rushed into the room, “Ora what is it, what’s wrong.”
“DON’T YOU HEAR IT?!” Ora yelled as she covered her ears.
Len rushed over to the bed and grabbed hold of Ora’s arms. He forced them off her ears and held tight, looking her in the eyes, “Ora listen to me-”
“I can’t!” she cried, “The banging is too loud.” Her face cringed in visible pain.
“Ora,” Len said calmly, “There is no banging, alright, just focus on my words, there is no banging,” he repeated slowly.
Ora tried to focus, watching his lips as they moved, trying to only hear his words, but she couldn’t. “No, NO, THEY ARE HERE FOR ME!” she creamed, returning to hysterics. “I’m not safe here, I have to go,” she said as she scrambled out of bed. “I’m not safe anywhere! Have to keep running, can’t let them catch me.”
“Ora please wait!” Len said as he grabbed Ora by her arm.
“LET GO OF ME,” she fiercely screamed. Startled by her harsh tone, he loosened his grip and she slipped away.
Len watched as Ora ran out his door. He wasn’t sure what to do, her mind was collapsing, she couldn’t see sense. He wanted to chase after her and bring her back, but knew that that could cause more harm to her already deteriorated mental state. Len quickly decided to run after her, not with the intent of dragging her back to his cottage, but simply to ensure her safety. He didn’t know how far or how long she would keep running, but he wanted to try his best to keep her safe.
With Ora not in her right mind, her running was once again clumsy, not the fastest it could be. Len quickly caught up with her but stayed at a distance. On one of her many checks behind her back, Ora caught Len in the corner of her eye, “STAY AWAY FROM ME!” she yelled, “I’M NOT COMING BACK WITH YOU!”
“I KNOW,” Len shouted back.
Ora was confused by his statement but continued running.
To be continued
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