7/17/22 The Mark

 The Mark

A random mark appeared on her arm. It was dark but not a bruise, when she poked it there was no pain. She tried to rub it off, rinse it with soap and water to make it disappear, but it stayed. Nothing she did made it go away.

She tried to conceal it with her makeup but it did nothing. For a moment the mark would be gone, but slowly it would seep through the many layers of makeup, reappearing as a dark splotch. 

If she couldn’t hide it, or wash it off, her next idea was to wait and hope it would fade on its own. She went to bed, hoping to wake up in the morning with a stainless arm. When she woke up, the mark had not gone away, but grown. It now covered most of her right arm, leaving a few patches of her natural skin color.

As she blinked her eyes open, she watched as the splotch slowly spread, covering the last few patches of skin on her arm. Quickly she dashed to a mirror and searched the rest of her body. Everywhere else was fine, but from her right shoulder down was the unnatural dark color.

Her arm did not hurt, she was still able to move it, it was fine…other than the mysterious mark which had rapidly spread overnight and refused to go away. ‘One more day,’ she thought, wanting again to see if it would disappear on its own. 

Another day passed and as she woke up, she felt strange. Looking to her right she 

immediately noticed something… HER ARM WAS GONE! The skin where her arm would be was healed over perfectly and there were no signs of blood. With her left hand she frantically felt around her bed, hoping she might find her arm somewhere in the blankets. 

Through her panic she managed to hop out of bed and grab her phone. As quick as she could with only one hand, she called her doctor.

“Hello this is-”


“Ma’am, I’m going to need you to calm down.”

“CALM DOWN? DID YOU NOT HEAR ME?!” she angrily screamed at the receptionist, “MY ARM IS GONE, IT JUST DISAPPEARED.”

“Ma’am, you lost your arm three years ago.”

All her anger and panic dissipated and was replaced with embarrassment, “Oh right, sorry…”

“It’s no problem ma’am, have a good day.”

“You too,” she managed to mumble out.

The End



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