7/18/22 Tiny Guy

 Tiny Guy

Excited to hang out with his best friend after school, Daniel walks up some stairs and heads into Garret’s room. As he enters he stops in the doorway, seeing Garret apparently talking to his bed.

“Hey Garret, who are you talking to,” Daniel asks, a bit weirded out.

“Come here, come here,” Garret responds in a hushed voice, motioning Daniel to join him on the bed. Garret grabs something then lifts it up to show Daniel. Daniel looks and sees what looks to be a small figurine, with normal human proportions but about the size of a toothpick.

“Hello,” the small man in Garret’s hand says.

Daniel is shocked, “What the heck!?”

“Calm down Daniel, this is Jacob, and yes he is real.”

Daniel struggles to process what is going on, but manages to control himself enough to be civil with the tiny man in his best friend’s hand. “Why is he so small?” Daniel asks, too confused to be polite.

Garret looks at Jacob, “Do you want to tell him or should I?”

“I’ll tell him,” Jacob responds, “Besides, it’s not that complicated. One night I went to bed and then the next morning when I woke up I was tiny. It’s been a blessing really, I don’t have to go to school anymore…don’t have to live with my parents,” Jacob says with a sigh. 

“Jacob’s parents weren’t very nice to him,” Garret says, clarifying what Daniel was already thinking.

“Oh, well where do you live now?” Daniel asks, changing the subject.

“I don’t really live anywhere, I just wander around wherever I want. It’s easy to find food, there are so many scraps which before would seem like nothing, but when you’re my size, it becomes a feast.”

“Aren’t you worried you might get stepped on, or eaten by a wild animal?” Daniel asks.

“Yeah, I just try to avoid crowded areas, I mostly travel where people can’t see. As for animals, I’ve had a few encounters but nothing I couldn’t handle.”

“Wow, that’s crazy,” Daniel says, finally coming to terms with the fact that this is all real. Daniel looks to his friend, “So Garret, how long have you known Jacob?”

“We actually just met this morning, I was taking out the trash and spotted him walking through my yard. I was just as confused as you at first but then found out he’s pretty cool. He’s the same age as us too!”

“Really, you’re sixteen?” Daniel asks Jacob.


“Dang, I don’t think I could live on the streets like that. I’d be too scared not having a home, having to do everything for myself.”

“Well thankfully I don’t have to worry about money and stuff, I can scavenge what I need pretty easily. And yeah, it’s a little scary, but I would take this anyday over being in my parents house. Sometimes you just have to take what life gives you and roll with it.”

“So are you going to be staying with Garret for a while?”

“No, I’m just sticking around for a little bit. It is nice to relax inside for a while, but I don’t want to stay anywhere too long.  Being this small gives you a whole new perspective on the world, and I intend to see as much of it as I can.”

“Well, it was really cool meeting you. This is definitely not an everyday thing,” Daniel says, letting out a little laugh.

“Yeah, I don’t think I will ever forget you man,” Garret says.

“It was nice hanging out with you guys too. Garret thanks for the food.”

“No problem, it’s not like I had to give you much,” the three laugh.

Garret picks Jacob up and, with Daniel following, takes him to the front door.

“Welp, if I’m ever in the neighborhood again, I’ll stop by and tell you guys about my travels.”

“Sounds good man,” Garret says.

“Bye,” Daniel says as he waves to Jacob. The two friends watch as Jacob walks off into the yard, quickly disappearing in the grass.

The End



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