7/26/22 Floating


He floats. Chest raised, arms back. Towards the heavens he goes, through the sky. He is motionless, doing nothing but breathing. What else can he do? As his body floats calmly upwards involuntarily, all he can do is relax and try to enjoy the ride.

The journey upwards is slow, causing only a slight breeze against his face. The cold is what hits him more as he ascends. His muscles shiver, trying to stay warm, but he knows it is useless. His accent can only end in one place, the vastness of space.

He knows the horrors of dying in space, but there is nothing he can do. When the floating started, he tried to make it stop, pointing himself towards the ground, squirming around to try and break out of the invisible grip pulling him upwards. It was all useless, and as he got higher and higher he accepted his fate and began to relax.

Now he just lays there, letting whatever this is take him to the heavens. A part of him always wanted to go to space, but not like this. This trip will not last long and will only be one way. He will only get to experience space for a moment before the oxygen explodes in his lungs and his body freezes in the void. 

The End



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