7/29/22 Two Kings

 Two Kings

Two chairs sat together, bound by the armrest. Great thrones they are, solid stone coated in purple velvet. The kings, whose faces were hidden by their full body cloaks, sat in their thrones, neither one touching the shared armrest, while their other hands rested comfortably on their own armrest.

They were both kings of the same land, sharing the power equally, ensuring war would never happen between the two. To touch the middle armrest would signify one having more power over the other, which is something they would never do. 

The land has survived for centuries with this joint kinghood. Having leader talk to leader, being able to help each other, while sharing the same level of authority, the kings worked in unison and the land thrived for it.

Whenever a new pair of kings needed to be chosen, the process was long. To find two people, willing to work in such unison and who would not abuse their power over the other, it was nearly impossible. Managed by the current kings however, a new pair was always found.

When the new kings are chosen, their identities are hidden, shielded by the royal cloaks. If the people of the land knew who the two kings were, they would possibly favor one over the other, breaking the whole system. The kings must remain anonymous, appearing to the people just as “the kings”, and not as the men they once were. 

Together the kings rule the land, and for centuries have kept away things such as war and famine. Sharing in the wisdom of another has greatly benefited their ability to rule. The tradition of the two kings was started centuries ago in their land, and will continue on for many more.

The End



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