8/18/22 Coma (Part 4)

 Coma (Part 4)

She was scared, scared she was going in the wrong direction, scared she would never find the path again. Hope killed her fear as she heard a faint howling. ‘The fox!’ she excitedly thought to herself. 

She began to run as fast as she could towards the noise but then stopped. From directly behind her, an almost identical howling noise started, and then another and another. All around her was howling, and she didn’t know which one was her friend. 

One howl sounded so close, she decided to go to it, see if it was her fox. As she walked through the tree, she saw something move but could not tell what it was. It did however seem to be the source of the howling. She walked over and saw the silhouette of a fox and was filled with relief. 

As she got closer though, she noticed no color came to the foxes fur, it stayed dark, like it was made of shadows. It was. This was not her friend but a dark imitation of the little orange fox. The shadow turned its head to look at her revealing bright red eyes. It lept towards her, but she ran, dodging its attack. 

The howling still continued but she was unsure again, which fox was hers and which were the shadow foxes. She listened as closely as she could while running from the pursuing enemy. She played in her mind the sound of her fox crying out as she first left the path. All the howls around her sounded similar to it, but there was only one that matched the howl exactly.

She ran in the direction of what she hoped to be her fox. Her memory did not fail her and soon she was staring at the path ahead of her, and her little companion had not moved, but was patiently waiting for her return. 

Just before she reached the path, a pack of shadow wolves caught up to her and attacked. She was pulled to the ground, fending off razor sharp claws and pointed teeth. Her foxy friend noticed she was in trouble and stopped its howling, choosing to come save her. 

As she lay on the ground, the shadow foxes tearing into her skin, the little orange fox ran over and let out the loudest noise she had ever heard, it was ear piercing and must have been even worse for the shadows. They all scampered away, hurt by the noise.

“Thank you,” she said to the fox as she stood up and followed it back to the path, “I never should have left you.”

The fox continued walking down the path as it had before. The falling trees and deep puddles were gone, and there was now an end in sight. A large wall of pure glowing light formed an abrupt stop to the forest.

As the two reached the wall the woman was relieved but then scared, “Does this mean I’m dying? If I go through here, will I not wake up, will I be dead?” The fox shook its head no and then walked through the light. The woman took a deep breath and followed.

Her eyes popped open, she was back in her hospital room. “She’s awake,” a nurse called out. The doctor walked over to examine her.

“Am I going to be alright? Did everything go ok?” she drowsily asked.

“I won’t lie to you ma’am, there were some rough spots,”

She laughed, cutting him off mid sentence, “Tell me about it.”

The doctor, a little confused, finished his sentence, “But in the end you pulled through and everything is going to be a-ok. For right now I recommend some rest, we will try to get some food in you tomorrow morning.”

“That sounds nice,” she said, closing her eyes. As her eyes fully shut, she saw an image of her fox, “Thank you friend,” she whispered just before falling asleep.

The End



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