8/20/22 The Girl with the Teal Fire Hair
The Girl with the Teal Fire Hair
Teal flames adorned her head in place of hair. Two spikes of flame created a horn-like appearance. Born of magical heritage, a fire sprite for a father and her mother half mermaid, the unique genetics transferred to her teal flamed hair.
Although having literal flames for hair, she was not hot headed. In her home she had a little shop. In her shop she sold crystals set ablaze by her fire. Once lit, the crystals took the mesmerizing blue-green color of her hair, and possessed properties.
She would love to make enough crystals for everyone, but the crystals were hard to find, and forging one took much out of her. The flames of her head did not burn very hot, it took work and physical strain for her to make the flames hot enough to imbue the healing power into the crystals. But the few she was able to make, she sold for a very fair price to anyone who was in need.
Known only by reputation, she did not receive many customers. She was scared to leave her home often, thinking people would fear her appearance alone, not having seen anything like her. Her life was spent either in her home, or in the caves, finding the right kind of crystals that could hold her magic.
She first stumbled upon these crystals while hiding out in a cave. Hunters were looking for her, and she found safety among the stone walls. A cluster of crystals had been above her head, and with fear making her fire burn hot, the magic transferred into the crystals. She passed out and when she awoke she saw the glowing teal coming from the crystals.
Grabbing one from the wall instantly healed a graze she had received from a hunter's arrow. After that discovery, she made her home not far from the cave, and dedicated her life to sharing her healing powers with others.
The End
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