8/27/22 Sand


What if everything you’ve ever seen turned to sand right now; not what the world has seen, just you. Every object, every person, if you have looked upon it for just a moment…sand. 

You may think the damage will be small, but think about all the things you've ever looked at, at all the places you’ve been, the random people passing you by on the street who you happened to look at. All of it would be sand. All those people, all those buildings, all those trees, all those cute little critters you’ve watched scurry around…sand. 

It would be devastating, a large chunk of the world now like a beach or a desert. Those random strangers would be gone and their families left to wonder what happened to them. As news spreads of the giant mass of sand, they would assume their loved ones were part of it. They would go digging through, hoping to find some evidence of their beloved family member, be there would be nothing, just…sand.

The End



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