8/28/22 Cleaning of the Heart
Cleaning of the Heart
I take the knife and stab it deep into my heart, my teeth clench tight but I quickly get used to the pain. Grasping tightly at the leather handle, I slowly move the blade, precisely cutting out the brown rotting parts of my heart before the damage can spread any further.
It is strange in a way, I had grown so used to my heart of rot, I almost didn’t mind it anymore. It just became a part of me, something I could live with, but then it just kept growing. I knew it needed to go, I couldn’t just keep breezing on with life with this rot in my heart, I had to cut it out and I had to do it now.
With my heart cleaned, I feel new in a way, different. I feel happier now. I thought I was happy even with the rot in my heart, but now that it’s gone, there is a new kind of joy to my life. Who knew a rotted heart could affect one's emotional state so harshly.
I know of course how the rot started, and then continued to let it grow. Never again will I make that mistake. My heart will stay pure, no more brown muck clogging it up. I will forever cherish this happier life, turning away from the rot that once held captive my heart.
The End
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