9/23/22 The People Cage (Part 1)

 The People Cage (Part 1)

“Hello everybody, my name is Morris Bentwell.”

“And I’m Nicky Tan.”

“Welcome back to the People Cage, everyone's favorite life or death show!” The two TV announcers say in unison.

An intro for the show plays. A picture of an upside down chain dome dangling from a cement roof comes on screen. Text flashes in front, “The Cage” Then people fade into the dome and are seen trying to stay balanced on the loose chain, either sitting or dangling, holding on for dear life. Another text flashes, “The Contestants”. Then the image cuts to a dark blue room with four fancily dressed people sitting in chairs holding tablets in their hands, “The Controllers.” A simple graphic is shown of one of the Controllers swiping on a connection point of the chains in the cage, and it is shown that whatever connection point they swipe on breaks, making it more difficult for the contestants. “Who will survive? Tournament #500” The intro fades away and it is back to Morris and Nicky in their little studio.

“Tournament 500 is jam packed with promising contestants so make sure to get your votes in on who will survive to the end,” Morris excitedly says.

“You know Morris I certainly have my eye on a couple of contestants but I am fascinated to see what the audience thinks.”

“Same here Nicky, but as we have seen many times in the past, the fan favorite is not always our winner. It’s all up to the Controllers you know.”

“Ohhhh yeah. Get a controller in a bad mood, and people start dropping fast.”

“As I always say Nicky, this game is as much about physical ability as it is likeability.”

“Well Morris, let’s see if we can figure out how likable these people are and meet this tournament's ten contestants.”

“Actually Nicky, I think you mean eleven.”

Nicky fakes confusion, “What? But every tournament has ten contestants.”

“Well Nicky, this is a special tournament. Today as our special eleventh contestant we have Ben Aaron, the impossible to kill man as some call him.”

“Morris, do you mean Ben Aaron, as in the four time survivor of the People Cage?”

“I sure do Nicky and to commemorate our five-hundreth tournament, Ben volunteered himself, confident that he can survive a fifth time in a row.”

“Wow, well it definitely seems that that man has cracked some sort of code on how to survive. It will be interesting to see if he can do it again.”

“Yes it will Nicky, yes it will. Now aside from Ben we have ten new faces to the People Cage.”

A slideshow begins of the ten new contestants: Aiden, Miles, Emma, Kaya, Collin, Bard, Olly, Daisha, Kevin, and Hilton. At the end is a photo of Ben Aaron.

“Oh this is always so exciting Morris.”

“I know Nicky, so let’s get right into it and see who can survive The People Cage.”

To Be Continued



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