9/24/22 The People Cage (Part 2)

 The People Cage (Part 2)

In the Cage we see the eleven contestants scattered around. Some sitting solidly on the chains, others less balanced, still trying to find a good spot.

“You know Morris, it is always so interesting seeing these first moments in the cage. Everyone trying to figure out how the cage dynamic is going to work physically but also scoping out who they might be able to trust in the cage.”

“It is fascinating Nicky, even knowing that only one of them will come out of this alive, there are always alliances, friendships, whatever you want to call them. And you know sometimes the controllers like to see that, and other times, when the connection between two contestants feels too fake, they could also be dropped for that bond.”

“We have seen all sorts of strategies when it comes to the social aspect of the cage, and you’re right Morris, it really depends on the controllers. Some days friendship might be what they want, and other days they might want no connection at all.”

“What you come to learn about the cage Nicky, everyone thinks it is all about what the contestants do and how they act, but this is really the controller's game. Heck, they could drop all but one person right off the bat if they wanted.”

“Ah but where would the entertainment be in that Morris?”

“Exactly,” Morris gives Nicky and the viewers a wink, “And this tournament will be especially entertaining with Ben Aaron in the cage.”

“Oh I know. The anticipation this tournament is going to be insane. Will he survive a fifth tournament? Will the controllers drop him out of spite? Who knows?”

“We will just have to wait and see. Now looking at the cage, it looks like everyone is pretty settled in. It looks like Olly is having the most trouble staying balanced on the chains. Being physically out of shape can be a big detriment in the cage.”

“Well Morris we have seen bigger contestants win in the past. Whether it be by the pity of the controllers or not, you don’t have to have the perfect body to survive in the People Cage.”

“I agree Nicky, I agree, but it looks like our audience does not,” a chart comes up on screen. “It looks like the viewers have voted Olly as the person they think will drop first. With Bard being a close second place.”

“Well Morris, Bard might appear more physically fit, but a little birdy told me he has some uh, bad habits, that might be weakening him physically.”

“Oooh yeah, that could be a problem for Bard. But enough about the physical capabilities of our contestants, let’s see how they are all getting along socially.”

“It looks like right now, everyone seems pretty calm. Conversations are happening, and is that laughter I see?”

“I think it is Nicky. Looks like Kaya down there is a pretty funny lady and Kevin seems to be throwing jokes right back at her.”

“Miles, an audience favorite, might I add, seems to be really enjoying the interactions as well.

“Yes I would say he is Nicky. Mr. Miles over here has gotten quite a lot of votes from our viewers, in favor of him surviving. I mean, tall dark haired guy, muscular build, very friendly, who wouldn’t vote for this guy, he seems like the perfect contestant!”

“And Morris it looks like aside from Ben, Miles is number two on the list of people the viewers think will survive, so this guy has a lot of poten-”

Morris, Nicky, and everyone in the cage go silent. The link beneath Miles is broken and he falls to the ground far below. All the contestants except Ben stare in horror. Ben simply shakes his head and tightens his grip on the chains.

“Well everyone, the calm before the storm has ended and we are now one contestant down. I think the controllers are reminding us that even the most promising of people can still be dropped, just like that,” Morris says in a slightly more somber tone.

To Be Continued



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