9/25/22 The People Cage (Part 3)

 The People Cage (Part 3)

“Yeah Morris, it is sad to see such a promising contestant get out so early, but at the same time, it makes it all the more interesting. What fun would this show be if everyone knew who was going to win from the start?”

Morris’s upbeat tone immediately returns, “You’re right Nicky. I think the mystery of who is going to win is half the fun of watching this show.”

“It also makes it more interesting for the contestants, not knowing if they will be dropped next, not knowing what to do to survive. Well except for Ben Aaron, the man they say has cracked the code of the People Cage.”

“They wouldn’t be lying now would they Nicky? He is the first man to ever compete in more than one tournament, and he has actually survived all four he has been in! Incredible.”

“Morris what do you say we take a look at our invincible man over here.” The camera focuses on Ben. “Looks to me like he isn’t really interacting with anyone, just hanging tight in his own corner.”

“I’d say that it’s a risky play but he obviously knows what he is doing. We have seen many times the quiet ones who just stick to themselves, not trying to draw any attention to themselves, usually get dropped pretty fast.”

“Well I’ve also noticed he hasn’t completely shut everyone out. I did see him talking with Hilton earlier, or more Hilton talking with him. Ben did not seem very amused by the conversation.”

“I’ve also seen quite a bit of chatter from Hilton, before the first elimination that is. He seems like the kind of guy that thinks he’s the most interesting person in the world and just has to tell everyone about it, whether they want to hear about it or not.”

Nicky laughs, “I think you hit the nail on the head with that one Morris.”

“Thank you, thank you.” Morris bows as much as he can from his seated position behind their shared desk. “After commentating 250 tournaments, it becomes real easy to read people from up here.”

“So Mr. people person, who else is of interest in the People Cage? Who else should we be keeping an eye on?”

“Well Nicky, I also noticed Miss Daisha conversing briefly with Ben Aaron, and that conversation seemed much more two-sided.”

“I think it’s because Daisha is a bit more interesting than Hilton,” the two laugh. “I’ve heard that due to her African American background, she took an interest in different African languages and has spent multiple years becoming fluid in them. Even making a few trips to Africa herself.”
“Yes indeed Nicky, and that definitely sounds more interesting than what our nerdy looking friend Hilton could have been talking about.”

To Be Continued



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