9/26/22 The People Cage (Part 4)

 The People Cage (Part 4)

“Well Morris, how about we stop analyzing the past and take a look at what’s actually happening down in the cage.”

“Everyone still looks a little shaken up from Miles drop, but that’s pretty normal. They will get used to it as more people start dropping.”

“Is it just me Morris or does it seem like the controllers have been a little slow on breaking the chains this tournament?”

“Anticipation Nicky, it’s all about the anticipation. The longer the period without a chain break, the more exciting it is when one breaks and someone falls! But it does seem about time for something to happen, no one is really moving. Ben seems to be shifting a bit, getting in a very secure position.”

“And how is that Morris?”

“Well you see, he has positioned himself in a spot where if one intersection snaps, he has other chains supporting him and multiple options to grab on to.”

“His past experience is definitely showing.”

“Yes it is Nicky, yes it- Oh look over there. It looks like Ben’s movement shook some chains around and Emma is looking a little wobbly. The controllers might not even have to do anything here for her to fall.”

“Oh man, she is trying so hard to regain her balance but OH! THERE SHE GOES!”

“Wait Nicky, she’s not out just yet. She managed to grab the chain just in time and is now holding on for dear life! And look at everyone watching her, trying to decide whether to help her or not, seeing if she can pull herself up but it doesn’t look like she can.”

“Well to help, they would have to move around the cage to get to her which is dangerous in itself. But it looks like Collin is going for it. Look at him, trying to quickly get to her while still being cautious. Oh but it looks like he is going to make it though.”

“Yes Nicky he did, he is there but he is realizing he is going to need some help. Aiden is the closest contestant, let's see what happens, yep! He is asking Aiden for help.”

“Ooh Morris Aiden does not look too happy about that idea, let’s see if our hero Collin can convince and…yes he can!”

“Alright folks, let's see how they do this. It looks like Aiden is holding onto Collin so that Collin can use both hands to grab Emma. Here he goes, going for the reach, a little shaky but they might have this.”

“OR NOT!” The intersections below Collin and Aiden snap sending them both on the long fall downwards. “OH MY GOSH A DOUBLE KILL BY THE CONTROLLERS!”

“Nicky, take a look at Emma’s face there. She is not a happy camper right now.”

“Well I suppose, dangling above your imminent doom, and watching two people fall to their own deaths will do that to you huh?” Nicky jokes and they both laugh.

“Yes it does. Something like that will kill a bubbly personality anyday. I know I certainly wouldn’t be so happy if I was down there.”

“Well it’s a good thing we are here then isn’t it.”

“Oh my, it looks like Emma’s grip is slipping.”

“Morris, is it just me or is Kaya going to try and help her?”

“I think she is Nicky, a risky play though as it seems the controllers don’t want anyone assisting her.”

“Oh and there she goes,” Nicky says as a chain snaps under Kaya. “Wow three falls in such a short amount of time!”

“See what I was telling you about anticipation Nicky? If the controllers had done this right off the bat, it would not have been nearly this exciting!”

“To true my friend. All eyes are on Emma right now but I don’t think anyone else is going to try and help her. It is all up to her now, can she pull herself up?”

“It looks like her arms are getting real tired. At this point Nicky, I think it is just how long will she hold on before she gives u- This long apparently,” Morris says again in the slightly somber tone.

“Wow, four drops all back to back, incredible!” Nicky says amazed with the situation.

“The controllers are really putting on a show for tournament 500.”

To Be Continued



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