9/27/22 The People Cage (Part 5)

 The People Cage (Part 5)

“Yes they are Morris, quite a show indeed. Oh and it seems like fans are going wild! Are you seeing this Morris?”

Multiple comments flash all over the screen, “I am Nicky, I am. You know in the whole history of the People Cage, I don’t think there has ever been a reaction quite like this one.”

“Well Morris I don’t think there has ever been a quadruple drop before.”

“That’s right Nicky. There have been a few triples here and there, but a quadruple drop is huge.”

“I mean it basically eliminates half the players!”

“And you know what that means? To keep the tournament going, our remaining contestants are about to be put through hell I’ll bet. I don’t think the controllers will keep dropping people that fast.”

“Like you said Morris, that would leave no room for anticipation, if everything just happened at once.”

“Exactly, you’re getting it,” Morris gives Nicky a playful punch to the arm. “Now if we look back to the cage Nicky, it is not only the audience that had a strong reaction to the quad drop, but the contestants as well.”

“Do you see that Morris?”

“See what?”

“Hilton is quiet, and not talking about himself anymore!”

“Ayyy look at that, just a few well timed drops and even the most talkative of people will shut up!”

“I think we even have some tears coming from our contestants. Kevin and Olly seem to be hit really hard by the drops.”

“Yeah, but Ben and Bard seem very quiet but you can definitely see the pain on their faces. They are trying hard not to show it, but it is definitely there.”

“Oh but Daisha looks to be vocalizing that grief.”

“Yeah Nicky, I don’t speak any African languages but I don’t think many nice words are coming from her mouth.”

Nicky laughs, “I’d have to agree with you on that one.” Suddenly a link snaps below Daisha and she is dropped as well, “Oooh and it looks like the controllers were not too fond of what she had to say about them.”

“Yeah, insulting the controllers is not a good way to stay alive in the People Cage.”

“Wait Morris, does her falling change it from a quad drop, to a quintuple drop? 5 drops for tournament 500?”

“Nicky, I think you’re right. Amazing.”

“Hopefully this pattern doesn’t continue or else tournament 1000 is going to be real short.”

Morris chuckles, “Good one Nicky. Well folks we are now down to only 5 contestants left. Kevin, Hilton, Bard, Olly, and the man himself Ben Aaron is still alive in the cage. It has been really exciting lately so I think we are going to see it slow down to build up to the grand finale.”

“I mean you thought that was going to happen after the quad drop, but I think you are even more right now that they dropped a fifth contestant!”

To Be Continued



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