9/28/22 The People Cage (Part 6)

 The People Cage (Part 6)

“Wow, five people dropped just like that! It’s going to take me a long time to stop thinking about that one Morris.”

“I know Nicky, this is a pretty exciting event for the People Cage! I also don’t think you are alone, people will be talking about this for years to come. Except maybe our remaining contestants who are all very quiet and very still.”

“They are like statues down there Morris. Do they not understand the crazy event they have just witnessed?!”

“Oh they understand it Nicky, they are just hoping they won’t be next. But as it goes in the People Cage, only one of them will be leaving.”

“And that one lucky contestant should feel honored, getting to see this historical event in person and live to tell the tale!”

“I mean a lot of people, including you, saw it too.”

“Yeah man, but something about being right there next to it, feeling that slight breeze from all the falling people, so surreal.”

“That’s true Nicky, but also let’s be thankful that it wasn’t us in the cage.”

“Amen to that. Oh Morris look, Ben looks like he is saying something!”

“He looks like he is encouraging the others to talk like they were before. See Ben knows that if the cage gets too quiet, more people will be dropped But at the same time, no one contestant wants to be too loud or stand-outish, to have them picked off as the next dropee.”

“You know, for a simple game of trying not to be dropped, there is sure a deep psychological aspect to it that the contestants need to be prepared for.”

“Which is why Ben over here has a good chance of being the last survivor. Our contestants are given no warning when they are thrown into the cage. It is a very sudden process, giving them no time to think or prepare.”

“Well if everyone knew exactly how to win like Ben does, it would not be very exciting to watch now would it?”

“No Nicky, no it would not. Which is why they give no warning. In this cage we get to watch people's natural instincts kick in. Try and figure out what is expected of them with no guidance whatsoever. I think that is what draws so many people to the tournaments. Like you said Nicky, it is that psychological side that you wouldn’t think would exist in a game like this.”

“Yeah from the looks of the cage it seems it would be more about a person's physical ability but it really isn’t, not at its core. Where else do you get entertainment like this?”

“Only here Nicky, only here.”

To Be Continued



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