9/29/22 The People Cage (Part 7)

 The People Cage (Part 7)

“Oh Nicky, I think our contestants' physical abilities are about to get tested here though.”

“And why is that Morris?”

“Well as you can see, the cage is starting to wobble a bit. And you might be wondering how that is happening when no one is really moving.”

“I am wondering that yes.”
“Well if you look closely, you can see that links are being broken that are nowhere near the contestants.”

“Oh yeah I see it! Looks like the controllers are really shaking up the cage. Look how nervous everyone looks all of a sudden!”

“Well Nicky the cage won’t fall entirely but with more links snapped, it certainly becomes less stable. Oh take a look at Olly over there!”

“Oh man Morris, he is really wobbling, and being a bigger guy is not helping him at all right now. He is trying so hard to stay balanced but- OH, HE’S FALLING!”

“It looks like he has a good grip though on those chains, but that might not be enough,” Morris hurriedly says. “We will have to see as I am pretty sure Olly is going down- YES THERE HE GOES!”

“He’s holding on though Morris, let’s see how long he can keep that up, or maybe unlike Emma he will be able to pull himself back up. I doubt it though.”

“It will be interesting to see though, will anyone go to his rescue like they did for Emma?”

“Not likely! After that five drop event, all trying to save her, I certainly wouldn’t want to try and save anyone.”

“You would be wrong on that one Nicky, it looks like Bard is going for it, not much muscle on the man but they might be able to make it work.” They watch as Bard shuffles over to where Olly is hanging. “Ok, ok, he made it there, he’s got one of Olly’s hands, and… oh it doesn’t look like he’s strong enough to pull Olly up.”

“I smell a betrayal drop coming up. How exciting! Seeing that look in the person's eyes as they fall, after being let go by their fellow contestant, priceless.”

Bard gives up, and not only drops Olly but falls along with him, “Wrong again Nicky. Looks like Bard couldn’t take the pressure and just decided to take the easy way out instead.”

“Some people are just no fun during these tournaments man. I mean at least put some effort into trying to survive! For all we know Bard could have won it all if he had just let go of Olly, but noooo, he had to go and fall with him.”

Morris is silent, for once not sure how to respond to Nicky’s comment.

To Be Continued



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