10/12/22 Breaking the Cage (Part 7)
Breaking the Cage (Part 7)
The ride up the elevator is long, a boring constant upward motion. Hilton breathes deeply, calming his raging nerves. He looks through his bag over and over, going through every tool, planning his every move.
The elevator dings. “Here we go.” Hilton runs straight to the controllers room where he quickly finds the document bolted to the wall. He first tries to break the glass with his hammer, but the glass is too strong. Even using a smaller object, trying to make a dent, nothing was working, it was time for plan B. Tampering with the case starts a loud blaring alarm.
Hilton pulls out his power saw from the bag, cutting the bolts off one by one, suffering through the loud beeping. He manages to get the document off the wall and continues trying to break open the glass. Before he is successful he hears the elevator ding. Knowing he will quickly be caught in the controllers room, he abandons the bag and runs through the facility.
“HEY COME BACK HERE!” Zac the guard yells. Hilton sprints out the door and winds up on the cement ceiling of the cage. The guards pull out their guns and aim it towards him. Before they can shoot, Hilton holds the case over the edge.
“I’ll drop it!” he yells. The guards hesitate, guns aimed right for him but no triggers pulled. Next out the door are the four controllers, two elderly men and two elderly women, dressed in suits in dresses, slowly walk out to the cement floor.
One of the women step forward, “You don’t want to do that. The People Cage brings people together, the nation has never connected over one thing more than this.”
“That’s bull and you know it!” Hilton yells from the other side of the cement, “You just made it legal to continue killing just like you had before. YOU ARE ALL SICK!”
“Maybe so, but as you kindly pointed out, it is legal. If anything we have exposed the cowardess of our government, for not coming and stopping us sooner,” one of the men say.
“It won’t be legal anymore, once I destroy this.” Hilton smashes the glass on the corner of the cement and it shatters.
“NOOO!” the controllers scream together. The guards quickly shoot at Hilton who falls off the edge.
On his drop before his life is gone, he manages to grab the document and tear it to shreds. He smiles, “It is done.”
The controllers stand in shock, knowing their horrid game will be ruined. They look to the sky hearing the sound of helicopter blades quickly approaching. Men drop from the planes and arrest everyone on the platform. They are taken away, and the People Cage is no more.
The End
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