10/21/22 Busy Busy

 Busy Busy

“Oh busy, busy, very busy, I’m very busy,” the old woman says, pulling out a small worn notebook.

“I promise I will be quick, I just need to ask you something.”

“Hold on, hold on, let me see where I can fit you in.” She frantically starts flipping through the pages, not looking at any one page for very long before moving on to the next. “No, nope not that day, oh..no nevermind,” she mumbles.

“I can come back another time if that would be better.”

“No, no, no, just give me a moment,” she says without looking up from her notebook, “I’m sure there is a spot somewhere on this schedule.” She flips to almost the last page, “Aha! A spot! Yes, that will do nicely.” She scribbles on the page.

“So when can I talk with you and ask you that question?”

“In seven months and thirteen days, just before eleven o’clock, in the morning that is.”

“...You know, it’s not that important of a question, I’ll just go now and leave you alone.”

“Alright dear, have a nice day,” she says with a smile.

The End



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