10/22/22 Go To Sleep

 Go to Sleep

My eyes are burning. Why have I done this? Why do I deny myself of sleep so often? I know the morning comes early and the nights are short, and yet I still, time and time again, refuse to sleep, trying to hang on to every waking moment. 

The moments I cling to I don’t even use wisely. I will sit and stare telling myself, “You need to go to sleep, you need to go to sleep,” and yet there I am, still awake, ignoring even my own common sense. 

Regret always comes the next morning when I think to myself, “Why didn’t I just go to sleep?” The time I saved was not worth the tiredness that comes the next morning. My day could have been so much better if I had just gone to bed earlier the night before.

Night after night it is the same. The cycle of staying up late and regretting it in the morning continues. My life is still good, but could be improved if I gave myself the luxury of a good night's rest.

The End



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