10/27/22 The Power of Letters
The Power of Letters
To form a story, a concept, a piece of writing, literature, whether a paragraph long, a sentence, or maybe just a few noncoherent words, it takes letters. In some places they don’t look like this, but the idea is the same.
These small sets of letters lead to infinite creativity. With the written word, anything can be created. Any idea, no matter how strange, can be portrayed with letters. Letters made into words, words formed into sentences, and sentences to stories.
There is no limit to them. With these symbols we have created, we can store our ideas, let others process them in an understandable way. What a wonder these letters are, what brilliance they bring.
They go far beyond the limit of storytelling, but branch widely into communication as well. Simply talking with another human being can be done by these amazing letters. We can converse with them, tell them our thoughts, dreams, and emotions. Emotions! Oh how the alphabet allows us to share emotions.
These letters are powerful things. They can cause great impacts on the world, whether positive or negative. They hold power, yes it is dependent on how we string them together, but they provide us that power. Our words, formed by these letters are mighty, wonderful things, to be used however our hearts desire.
The End
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